Not believe in Santa Claus? U might as well not believe in You Tube.
Al Fasoldt's reviews and commentaries, continuously available online since 1983


Yes, Ginny, U bet there is a Santa Claus

December 25, 2011

By Al Fasoldt
Copyright © 2011, Al Fasoldt
Copyright © 2011, The Post-Standard

If you believe in things you can't see, you'll believe this message and reply were spotted on Facebook recently.


I am 8 years old. Some of my BFFs say there is no Santa Claus. My OM says, "If U see it on Facebook, it's rad." What's up? Is there a Santa Claus? -- Ginny


Ginny, IMHO your BFFs are wrong. They don't believe things unless they can see them with their own 3D glasses. They've got little minds. FWIW, we all have little minds. We're just like little Justin Bieber fans at a concert, all jumping up and down but missing the music.

Yes, Ginny, there is a Santa Claus. Remember how warm and fuzzy U felt after U got that tattoo? Imagine a world without feelings like that, without Walmarts or dolls that go potty or tattoos. Imagine a world without Santa Claus.

Suppose U told your OM U'd do what he says and stop sneaking off to the mall so he'd relent and watch all the chimneys on Christmas Eve for a sign of Santa. If he didn't see anything, who cares? It's no BD.

Just because U can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. U can't see your cell phone signal when you're hiding under the covers so your mom won't know you're texting after Jimmy Kimmel goes off. Right? In fact, think of this, Ginny: U can't even see your cell phone signal even when you're right there in broad daylight in math class texting to Jennifer and Adam.

Not believe in Santa Claus? U might as well not believe in You Tube.

There are lots of things that are real even though U can't see them. Can U see a smile before it's a smile? Can U see your cat when she's stuck behind the closet door?

Can U see the good feelings U have when your brother finally rescues the cat?

Ah, Ginny, in this world there is nothing real that isn't worth working hard to figure out.

No Santa Claus! The world would be a poorer place. PPL would miss those vigils for the sounds of tiny reindeer on the roof. Stockings wouldn't be hung by the chimney with care.

A thousand years from now, when someone Googles Santa, the answer will be the same. Santa will still be at Target and Sears, still providing photos of himself sitting with kids for $14.95. And Santa will still be real, if only in the hearts of all of us.